ImmPRESS polymer detection kits 

  • ImmPRESS polymer reagents from Vector Laboratories integrate antibody and enzyme technology for simplified and sensitive immunohistochemistry detection.
  • Polymer-based reagents offer significant advantages over traditional avidin-biotin systems, particularly in multiplexing applications or when endogenous biotin interference is a concern.
  • These systems introduce more enzyme at the localization site, enhancing the reaction with the chromogen compared to secondary antibodies directly conjugated with enzymes.
  • Available options include one-step detection kits, two-step detection kits, double staining kits, and species-on-species detection kits.

Download brochure about the different ImmPress kits

15 % off ImmPRESS detection kits

The offer is valid until 31.03.2025.
Promotional code #K1BN25 must be referenced when ordering to receive the discount.

One-step detection

One-step ImmPRESS AP kits

Cat. no.ProductSize
MP-5401-15ImmPRESS®-AP Horse Anti-Rabbit IgG Polymer Detection Kit, Alkaline Phosphatase15 ml
MP-5401-5050 ml
MP-5402-15ImmPRESS®-AP Horse Anti-Mouse IgG Polymer Detection Kit, Alkaline Phosphatase15 ml
MP-5402-5050 ml
MP-5405-15ImmPRESS®-AP Horse Anti-Goat IgG Polymer Detection Kit, Alkaline Phosphatase15 ml
MP-5405-5050 ml
MP-5444-15ImmPRESS®-AP Goat Anti-Rat IgG (Mouse Adsorbed) Polymer Detection Kit, Alkaline Phosphatase15 ml
MP-5404-15ImmPRESS®-AP Goat Anti-Rat IgG Polymer Detection Kit, Alkaline Phosphatase15 ml


One-step HRP kits

Cat. no.ProductSize
MP-7801-15ImmPRESS®-HRP Horse Anti-Rabbit IgG PLUS Polymer Kit, Peroxidase1 kit  
MP-7401-15ImmPRESS®-HRP Horse Anti-Rabbit IgG Polymer Detection Kit, Peroxidase15 ml
MP-7401-5050 ml
MP-7451-15ImmPRESS®-HRP Goat Anti-Rabbit IgG Polymer Detection Kit, Peroxidase15 ml
MP-7451-5050 ml
MP-7444-15ImmPRESS®-HRP Goat Anti-Rat IgG, Mouse adsorbed Polymer Detection Kit, Peroxidase15 ml
MP-7402-15ImmPRESS®-HRP Horse Anti-Mouse IgG Polymer Detection Kit, Peroxidase15 ml
MP-7402-5050 ml
MP-7405-15ImmPRESS®-HRP Horse Anti-Goat IgG Polymer Detection Kit, Peroxidase15 ml
MP-7405-5050 ml
MP-7452-15ImmPRESS®-HRP Goat Anti-Mouse IgG Polymer Detection Kit, Peroxidase15 ml
MP-7452-5050 ml
MP-7802-15ImmPRESS®-HRP Horse Anti-Mouse IgG PLUS Polymer Kit, Peroxidase1 kit
MP-7800-15ImmPRESS®-HRP Universal (Horse Anti-Mouse/Rabbit IgG) PLUS Polymer Kit, Peroxidase1 kit
MP-7500-15ImmPRESS®-HRP Universal Antibody (Horse Anti-Mouse/Rabbit IgG) Polymer Detection Kit, Peroxidase15 ml
MP-7500-5050 ml
MP-6402-15ImmPRESS®-VR Horse Anti-Mouse IgG Polymer Detection Kit, Peroxidase, Veterinary Reagent15 ml
MP-7422-15ImmPRESS®-HRP Horse Anti-Mouse IgG, Rat adsorbed Polymer Detection Kit, Peroxidase15 ml
MP-7404-50ImmPRESS®-HRP Goat Anti-Rat IgG Polymer Detection Kit, Peroxidase50 ml
MP-6401-15ImmPRESS®-VR Horse Anti-Rabbit IgG Polymer Detection Kit, Peroxidase, Veterinary Reagent, 15 ml15 ml


Two-step detection

Cat. no.ProductSize
MP-7601-15ImmPRESS® Excel Amplified Polymer Staining Kit, Anti-Rabbit IgG, Peroxidase15 ml
MP-7601-5050 ml
MP-7602-15ImmPRESS® Excel Amplified Polymer Staining Kit, Anti-Mouse IgG, Peroxidase15 ml
MP-5405-5050 ml


Double staining

Cat. no.ProductSize
MP-7724-15ImmPRESS® Duet Double Staining HRP/AP Polymer Kit (Anti-Mouse IgG-brown, Anti-Rabbit IgG-magenta)1 kit
MP-7714-15ImmPRESS® Duet Double Staining HRP/AP Polymer Kit (Anti-Rabbit IgG-brown, Anti-Mouse IgG-magenta)1 kit


Species-on-species detection

Cat. no.ProductSize
MP-2400M.O.M.® (Mouse on Mouse) ImmPRESS®-HRP (Peroxidase) Polymer Kit, 1 Kit15 ml


The offer is listed ex. VAT and shipping charges, and is valid until 31.03.2025.
When ordering through other channels, please refer to promo code #K1BN25 to receive the offer. 

Reach out for more information!


Marte Sødal

Product specialist

Marte Sødal