Blog articles

We have a bright and talented technical support team across the Nordic countries. All of the team members have a scientific background, years of laboratory hands-on experience and several have a doctoral degree. We publish here their best tips, reviews on hot topics, information about the latest tools facilitating faster results and better science. And a lot more! Let us know what you would like to read about.  


Contaminants in your nucleic acid sample?

Contaminants in nucleic acid samples can compromise your research results, leading to inaccurate data and wasted resources. In this article, we delve into the common sources of contamination, their impact on your experiments, and effective strategies to ensure the purity of your samples.

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Basics of Bioconjugation

Bioconjugation is the establishment of covalent bonds between a biomolecule, eg. a protein, a carbohydrate, a lipid, or a nucleic acid, and another molecule or material. This method is used in manufacturing of ELISA, ELISpot, WB, IHC, IF, or other antibody-based methods, such as Antibody-drug conjugates (ADCs). Bioconjugation modifies the structures of the biomolecules, giving them new functions that they cannot exhibit by themselves.

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Nurturing complexity: The role of vascularization in organoid advancements

Explore the essential role of vascularization in organoid advancements. Learn about cutting-edge methods like co-culturing, bioprinting, and organoids-on-a-chip. Discover how these techniques are reshaping medical research. Read more now!

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Ta vare på din PIPETBOY

Siden de ble tilgjengelige for over førti år siden har Pipetboy vært de mest populære pipettefyllerne på markedet. De finnes på mange laboratorier, ofte i ulike modeller og generasjoner, gamle som nye. Med mye bruk kommer slitasje, så kanskje behøver deres Pipetboy en kjapp vedlikeholdsrunde?

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"In house"-veileder 2023.

Den etterlengtede «MDCG 2023-1 Guidance on the health institution exemption under Article 5(5) of Regulation (EU) 2017/745 and Regulation (EU) 2017/746» ble publisert i begynnelsen av januar 2023. I denne blogposten Kommenterer kvalitetskoordinator Espen Kibsgård og Rolf A. Klaasen ved Klinikk for laboratoriemedisin, Oslo universitetssykehus sentrale kapitler i veilederen. Disse kommentarene har også blitt diskutert med medlemmer i IVDR prosjektgruppen i Helse Sør-Øst.

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What to do if you suspect Mycoplasma contamination in your cell culture

Mycoplasma contamination poses a common and often undetected threat in cell cultures, affecting around 10% of them. This blog article delves into the challenges of detecting, eliminating, and preventing mycoplasma contamination. It offers insights into best practices and answers common questions to assist researchers in addressing this widespread issue.

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Having trouble when amplifying GC-rich sequences? Here are four tips on how to troubleshoot

GC-rich templates in DNA sequences have 60% or more G (guanine) or C (cytosine) bases. Amplifying GC-rich templates may require adjusting reagents, annealing temperature, and using specialized master mixes or standalone polymerases for optimal results, and in this blog article you get four tips on how to troubleshot.

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How to evaluate your qPCR and RT-qPCR results

qPCR and RT-qPCR methods are described, their usefulness and power as well as their sensitivity and vulnerability. In addition, it is explained how qPCR evaluation is accomplished by applying the “MIQE” guidelines and NEB´s “dots in boxes” quality scoring methods.

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