Vector Laboratories
For over 45 years, Vector Laboratories has been recognized as a pioneer and market leader in labeling and detection reagents for immunohistochemistry, immunofluorescence, glycobiology, and bioconjugation. Vector Laboratories was the first company to commercialize avidin-biotin enzyme complex kits for immunohistochemistry and antifade mounting media for immunofluorescence and has since introduced over 600 reliable reagents and kits.
The product portfolio of Vector Laboratories
The product catalog includes VECTASTAIN® ABC kits, VECTASHIELD® Mounting Media, VectaMount® Express, ImmPRESS® Polymer Detection Kits, TrueVIEW® Autofluorescence Quenching Kit, ImmPACT® Substrates and SoluLINK®, and a broad range of lectin and glycobiology reagents.
These time-tested tools and methods are used by disease and therapeutics researchers globally to accelerate their lab processes and improve productivity. Vector Laboratories’ products have been cited in more than 350,000 scientific publications and are included in Standard Operating Procedures in labs worldwide.
Want to know more about the offerings from Vector?
Then we encourage you to have a closer look at these very useful Resource Guides which focus on Vector’s expertise areas: Immunohistochemistry, Immunofluorescence, Bioconjugation, and Glycobiology. Whether you’re an expert or novice these guides will have a broad appeal.

This comprehensive guide starts with overview of the IHC workflow and proceeds to reference everything you need to know about IHC from choosing the right detection system to performing multiple antigen (multicolor/multiplex) labeling.

This guide offers you an overview of the IF workflow, optimization tips & tricks, and advice regarding autofluorescence (how to select the best anti-fade medium to preserve your fluorescence signal for imaging and archiving).

This guide provides an overview of bioconjugation, applications and uses, as well as tools for successful bioconjugation. Vector offers the SoluLINK® bioconjugation technology which is engineered for high-performance conjugation of all classes of biomolecules, including antibodies, proteins, peptides, oligonucleotides, carbohydrates, drugs, and surfaces.

The Lectins Application and Resource Guide is a content rich educational booklet that provides insight into how lectins are applied in biological sciences. With a focus on plant derived lectins, the guide showcases the flexibility and utilization of lectins and lectin conjugates in established lab applications.