
Subscribe to our newsletter and be one of the first to hear about new events and online courses. We typically send 1-2 newsletters monthly, but only when we have something interesting to share. 

23. jan - 26. jan

60th NBS Contact Meeting

The NBS Contact meeting (also called winter meeting) has for decades been a place where Norwegian scientists, students, engineers and industry representatives within biosciences meet to discuss recent advances in the fields and to network.

04. feb - 05. feb

Histoteknikerforeningens seminar 2025

Bli med på en spennende reise over to dager fylt med engasjerende foredrag, innovative utstillere, utfordrende konkurranser og nettverksmuligheter med histoteknikere fra hele landet.

13. feb - 14. feb

2025 NOR-MPS – the annual Nordic Organoid and Microphysiological Systems Convention

The convention is an annual networking event that brings together Nordic and invited international experts to present their research and to discuss latest developments in the field of microphysiological systems, organoids and organ-on-chip technology.

22. okt - 23. okt

LabDays 2025

Visit us at the exhibition! You will be able to see our demo instruments, get information about products and news, grab some snacks and giveaways, and participate in our competition. We hope you'll stop by!