Order processing and delivery
You have the option to place your order conveniently through our webshop or submit it via email. When ordering oligonucleotides, please utilize the designated order form. We maintain a stock of some products in Oslo and coordinate orders with our suppliers on specific days each week. Rest assured, our team ensures swift dispatch of deliveries at the earliest opportunity.
How to order
Order online
In our webshop you may do product searches, and you can order products and see prices if you make a profile and log in.
Visit our webshop
Note! Once you have placed your order in the webshop, any changes must be made directly with our customer service. You will receive an order confirmation by e-mail after your order has been placed into our system. Please check that this order confirmation corresponds to your order and let us know if an error has occurred.
Order by e-mail
You may also send us an e-mail with your order. Send it to: info@bionordika.no
Please provide us with the following information when ordering:
- Catalog number and product name
- Product size and amount
- Your purchase number
- Phone number
- Delivery address
- Invoice address
Orders below NOK 700, - will be charged a small order fee of NOK 150, - due to environmental reasons as we want to reduce the consumption of packaging, cooling elements etc.
How to order oligos
When you wish to order oligos, click on the "Order oligos here" button on the left hand side, or use the order form below. From August 2020 we have a new order form for oligos from Eurogentec. In this form there are separate sheets for primers, probes, MGB probes, siRNA duplexes and NGS oligos, whereas these used to be in a common meny. We hope this new form is more userfriendly and easy to use.
Do not hesitate to contact us if you want assistance in using the order form.
BioNordika Oligo Order Form
Order deadlines for our suppliers
We have a designated day each week on which we place orders with the majority of our suppliers. To be included in these weekly orders, the deadline for receiving your order is:
CST: Thursday at 12
EuroClone: Monday at 14
Eurogentec: Sent in pr order, usually within 3 hours
Lonza: Wednesday at 10
NEB: Friday at 9
While we have a set ordering day each week for the majority of our suppliers, we also order from some suppliers on an as-needed basis, dependent on incoming orders. Therefore, these suppliers do not adhere to a fixed ordering day.
Delivery takes place in accordance with any agreement, offer, tender etc. which is agreed upon for the delivery, otherwise a standard freight cost is applied. For express shipments, large volume or heavy goods special price might apply. All shipments take place at the buyer's risk, unless stated otherwise in the agreement. If the seller is to undertake the installation of the item, is buyer responsible for preparing the installation location for the equipment, including ensuring necessary connections or the like.
Want to join the recycling program?
Recycling of cooling elements and styrofoam boxes
We provide recycling services for cooling elements and styrofoam boxes from customers in the Oslo area. If your institute or department is interested in participating in the BioNordika recycling initiative, please feel free to contact us via email at info@bionordika.no or by phone at 23 03 58 00.